Friday, January 27, 2012

Chocolate Pretzel Buttons

I really don't need to type any words for this recipe. However, I'm particularly fond of here we go!
Valentine's Day. I use to think it was just for couples...until I had children. Clearly it is more my opportunity to show my children how much I love them. (My husband too, but it is just so much more fun doing sweet little things for my superheros!) So the can see in the above picture!

  • Chocolate Kisses and/or Hugs
  • Pretzels...I used the snaps, but I think the original buttons were done with circle pretzels.
  • Festive M&Ms...thinking you could totally do this at Christmas time too with red and green M&Ms.

 I have issues with kid germs. Yes, even my superheros. So when they are in the kitchen with me I'm totally picky about washing hands..over and over again. Or I can be less picky when they are preparing their own food and they will be the one's eating it!
 So knowing I was going to have my three plus two additional children doing their own buttons..I labeled the parchment paper with their initials. Each child prepared a row of candies for themselves...each child touched only their row. Call me crazy..but I don't know where those fingers have been.

Here are the other two children in my charge during the week as their Mom & Dad entrust me with their care after school. My goal is to do something sweet once a week before Valentine's Day. We made a row for older sister, Mom and Dad when they got home there were hugs and kisses in the refrigerator for them.
 Once the you've covered your cookie sheet with parchment or aluminum foil, laid your pretzels down and placed your chocolate kisses in the center of each on. Place them in a 350 degree preheated oven for 2 minutes.
Note that the hugs must have a bit more fat or something in them because they melt a little depending upon your just want them to be soft enough to place that M&M on top. This is precisely why I decided to let each child do their own row of buttons...because they couldn't help themselves...they would place an M&M and then a little chocolate would get on their fingers and...yes, they would lick their fingers and place the next M&M. Using a straw to hold the M&M steady on the kiss would make it a little less messy (and a little more sanitary). :) Place in the refrigerator for a few minutes so they can set..or eat them all warm and tastes good no matter what! You can't go wrong with salt and sweet!
One thing I forgot to do was make sure my Ms were not face up (which isn't bad if you are making them all for...Mom or Mike or Mary.) You get the idea! Hope you enjoyed!! Have fun with this - they're delicious and addictive!

Source: Pinterest linked to this blog.

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